An easy way to update old content and republish without affecting the original content!

Get Content Republish Pro
Content Republish with Clone for Republish option
content republish plugin showing cloned post

Completely control how you update your old content.

Content Republish will set up a safe environment for you to update your old content. Simply clone any of your posts, pages, or custom post types. Work on your update on the clone. When you are ready, republish it to replace the original content.

You can even schedule the updated content to republish at a future date.

Supports Custom Post Types

Support the default Post and Page post type and all publicly accessible custom post types. Enable and select the post types you want to support.

Clone Article with a Single Click

Easily clone an article with a single click. Make changes to the clone and republish it effortlessly.

Schedule Republish

Set a time for the content to go live and it will republish at the time you want it.

Control Republish permissions

Select and control who can clone and republish the content.

Clone Taxonomies and Custom Fields

Choose whether to clone the taxonomies and custom fields, on an individual post basis.

Compare Revision

Updated content is recorded in a revision. You can compare the changes in the revision and revert the changes anytime.

No Disruption to Workflow

The cloned post retains the same permission as the original post. You, or your writing team, can update or edit the content just like a normal post.

Convert Any Working Post to Update Post

Easily convert a working post to an update post. There is no need to clone a post and work from scratch if you don’t want to.

Receive Notifications

Get notified whenever a post is republished. Select who can receive notifications.

/ year
Use on 1 site
1 year of updates
1 year of premium support
All features in FREE version
Custom Post Types support
Custom Post Settings
20% discount on renewal
/ year
Use on 5 sites
1 year of updates
1 year of premium support
All features in FREE version
Custom Post Types support
Custom Post Settings
20% discount on renewal
/ year
Use on unlimited sites
1 year of updates
1 year of premium support
All features in FREE version
Custom Post Types support
Custom Post Settings
20% discount on renewal
Content Republish (Free)Content Republish Pro
Support Posts and Pages
Schedule republish
Set user clone and republish permissions
Support Gutenberg and classic editor
Support Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
Support custom post types
Individual post republish settings
Notify search engines after your post is updated
Support for SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, SEOPress, AIOSEO

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free version of Content Republish?

Yes, Content Republish is available as a free plugin. You can download the free release on WordPress official repository.

On how many sites can I use Content Republish Pro?

Depending on the license, you can use Content Republish Pro on either 1 site, 5 sites or unlimited sites.

What if I have more than 1 website?

You can get the Extended license to use Content Republish Pro on up to 5 sites. If you want to install Content Republish Pro on your client sites, you can get the Agency license which allows you to use it on unlimited sites.

What is the renewal cost?

The price you pay at purchase is also your renewal price. However, we provide a 20% discount on the renewal price if you decided to renew at the end of the subscription.

If I cancel my subscription, can I still use Content Republish Pro?

Yes, you can still use Content Republish Pro if you cancel your subscription. But you won’t be able to receive update and support for the plugin.

Can I transfer my subscription from one site to another?

Yes, you can.

Get Content Republish Pro Now!